JAKARTA - Musician Nazril Irham or Ariel Noah as well as singer and writer from Bandung, Risa Saraswati both admitted to being sleepy after being injected with the COVID-19 vaccine in the first dose.

Apart from being sleepy, these two artists did not feel any significant symptoms or health problems. It is for this reason that both of them can be given the second stage of the vaccine or 14 days after the first stage is injected.

"The first injection actually didn't taste anything, it just felt at night, around 20.00 WIB, it did become quite drowsy as usual," said Ariel Noah. Bandung, West Java, Thursday, January 28.

Ariel said, the second stage vaccination procedure is not much different from the first stage. The medical personnel first asked what effect they felt after the first vaccination.

"In addition, maybe after being vaccinated yesterday there were any symptoms, and indeed there were no symptoms," said Ariel.

Meanwhile, Risa Saraswati also felt the same way as Ariel Noah, namely the drowsiness that emerged after being vaccinated against the first dose.

"Yesterday I was vaccinated, I was just sleepy, that's the most severe symptom," said Risa.

Even though she has become a person who has been vaccinated against COVID-19 in her body, Risa admits that she is still disciplined in implementing health protocols.

Because, he said, this was the responsibility he had to do as a citizen who entered the first group of vaccine recipients.

"The doctor ordered to watch the 3M 1T, and the point is, if there are any (symptoms) there is a contact that must be contacted," said Risa.

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