Tips For Delivering Criticism Without Tendency To Insult
Illustrations convey criticism (Unsplash / John Schnobrich)

JAKARTA - If not conveyed correctly, criticism can lower the self-esteem of others. Criticism is giving responses with considerations of good and bad values. Criticism is usually delivered in response to a work, attitudes, and activities that have been done.

In fact, criticism is submitted for best results. It is constructive even though sometimes it is conveyed loudly so that it makes the recipient of the criticism feel uncomfortable. It can even trigger negative feelings to be felt in the mind of the recipient.

Instead, how do you convey criticism without the tendency to drop? The following are wise tips for giving criticism.

Use the subtle way

Everything has its negative and positive side. This also happens when, for example, you receive a job and things need to be fixed. So that someone who completes the job doesn't feel like you're being hit by the criticism you convey, try to express two sides, namely good and bad.

Start with a compliment to neutralize the tense atmosphere. Then share your corrections more calmly. For example, when you find that a letter is missing due to inaccuracy, you can criticize it with the following sentence.

"Actually I know you have the ability to organize this work, but your abilities will be more perfect if you are more careful."

Express it in the right circumstances

Most comfortably, criticism is conveyed under the right circumstances. It also makes you more comfortable and structured about getting your point across. Check the person's mood and find something conducive.

Based on facts

If criticism is not conveyed in a structured manner, it will only pass through the right ear to the left ear. This means that you need to stand on the fact that both parties know what is being referred to. Avoid criticism based on assumptions or from third people.

Then, ask their opinion so that there is a two-way dialogue.

Adjust body language

Body language is at least fallible and can affect other people. When criticism is delivered tensely, the fingers and hands will show a tendency to drop. Most wisely, adjust your body to be more relaxed.

Try using gestures to convey open-mindedness. For example, by sitting, move the hands to follow the sentences spoken, and divide the gaze to the surrounding.

Not in hurry

Criticism is not punishment. Delivering criticism is a moment to express and explore opinions from both parties. That is, criticism cannot be treated hastily.

If conveyed hastily, the body is less relaxed, and sentences that are not easily understood will suppress the psychologist concerned.

In various fields, criticism is a natural thing. Because everyone has achievements, targets, and is followed ethically, express criticism wisely without intimidating tendencies.

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