JAKARTA The reality show titled SuperAdventure - Superpreneur was held again this year. SuperAdventure - Superpreneur 2023 is a national-scale business pitch competition for young Indonesian entrepreneurs who have an advanced spirit and raise local pride.

Since its premiere in 2021, the SuperAdventure - Superpreneur event has been attended by thousands of young entrepreneurs from all over Indonesia. No wonder considering SuperAdventure as the initiator of the program is committed to encouraging the younger generation in advancing their business and brands to be more developed and widely known in Indonesia and internationally.

SuperAdventure representative, Aloysius Dwiwoko Hertiyono, said that the entrepreneur's world is very promising for the younger generation who have high enthusiasm to develop and achieve success. "Therefore, with SuperAdventure - Superpreneur 2023 we provide full support to young Indonesian entrepreneurs to be able to level up and scale up their business. We are optimistic that there will be many young entrepreneurs from various regions who will join," said the man who is familiarly called Tiyok.

He explained that this year SuperAdventure - Superpreneur opens even wider opportunities for young entrepreneurs to participate and develop together. In addition to offering a total prize of IDR 750 million, this event also opens up many opportunities and wider business networks for young entrepreneurs participating. SuperAdventure - Superpreneur 2023 participant registration opens as of July 1, 2023. Tiyok explained, to participate, participants must prepare a short presentation video that tells the business plan they run. In the one and a half minute video, participants must explain various things ranging from business backgrounds, unique selling points (USP), to the reason they deserve to be winners. The video must be uploaded on the participant's Instagram account no later than August 31, 2023.

"In the process, SuperAdventure - Superpreneur participants are also challenged to be able to think critically in solving various challenges and problems that occur in their business," Tiyok added, quoted from a media statement.

To maximize the potential of the participants, a number of prominent figures from among successful businessmen were involved in this event, including Jeffry Jouw, Sammy Bramantyo, Adit Yara, to Gofar Hilman. These names, apart from having an attraction for millennials and Generation Z, also have success stories and experiences in building their business, which can be a valuable lesson for the participants.

Jeffry Jouw as one of the judges is optimistic that the chances of young Indonesians achieving success as entrepreneurs are very large. With a large population dominated by the younger generation, business opportunities are still very wide open as long as they want to develop themselves and hone their skills.

"Hopefully through SuperAdventure - Superpreneur 2023 we can share and share education with young Indonesian entrepreneurs. That way we can understand what Indonesia needs through entrepreneurship, of course with appropriate market targets and more sustainable businesses," explained the owner of USS Networks & Kick Avenue.

Apart from Jeffry Jouw and a number of these names, SuperAdventure Superpreneur participants will also attend last year, including Eghip Kurniawan Situparty, Reza Rasenda Bagerich, Fahmi Adimara Indische 1931, Asep Rohman Boolao, David Christian Evoware and many more.

They will all be speakers in a series of seminars before the registration period of SuperAdventure Superpreneur 2023 ends, namely Superpreneur Meet Up, held in four cities, namely Medan (August 3), Bandung (August 10, Yogyakarta (August 16), and Malang (August 23). They will share experiences and discuss various interesting themes around business development and efforts to build brands.

This is a golden opportunity to explore capabilities and opportunities. Because to develop as an entrepreneur, it must meet adequate business criteria. Starting from the appropriate market, the ability to adapt to trends so that they can be sustainable, and the business must have the potential to be explored even more," said the man who is popular with the name Jejouw.

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