Interested In Injecting Fillers To Look Young? Know The Risks First
Illustrating Filler (Sam Moqadam-Unsplash)

JAKARTA - The medical world often offers solutions to various health or appearance problems. For example, you may feel that your lips are too thin, your skin is wrinkled, your eyes are sunken, or you have a scar that is bothersome.

One solution that is commonly used is the filler method. A filler is a beauty care procedure that goes through the process of injecting synthetic or natural substances into the skin.

Fillers do not go through the surgical stages and this treatment is often done by women or men who want to look younger. So, for those of you who are afraid of surgery, this treatment can be considered.

For the process, there will be certain fluids that are injected into the skin, for example hyaluronic acid, collagen, or synthetic substances such as silicone. After the injection, the face area covered with the filler will appear fuller. Generally, fillers are injected into areas such as the cheeks, nose, lips, chin, and jaw.

The filler process generally only takes about 30 minutes and the results can last six months to a year. After that, you can decide whether to continue the filler or not.

Before deciding to filler, also know that there is the possibility of unwanted side effects.

According to the journal US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health - Fillers: Contraindications, Side Effects and Precautions, some side effects can be felt, starting from a matter of weeks to years afterward, namely swelling, redness, bruising, pain, itching, allergic reactions, inflammation, lumps appearing, scarring, facial asymmetry, and even blindness.

Still curious to try fillers? To minimize the risk, you must ensure that the filler is done by a trusted doctor or therapist and clinic.

Do as much research as possible, read other people's testimonials or experiences, don't be tempted by cheap prices, and don't do fillers at the salon.

You must choose a safe filler place such as a legal beauty clinic or hospital. For your safety, you can see a skin specialist (dermatologist), cosmetic surgeon, pharmacist, or aesthetic therapist who has a certificate.

After finding the suitable filler, you can also ask directly about what substances to inject into the face and the safety of the equipment used.

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