JAKARTA - Last Sunday (24/1), the hashtag #besoksenin was trending on Twitter. Why is Monday the day that needs to be appreciated the most?

Several scientific studies explore this. Terrible Monday is related to sleep rhythm, social life, health, self-confidence, and emotional changes.

Feel tired even if you get enough sleep

The first study described the day before Monday, namely lazy Saturday and lying Sunday. After five days of activities, lack of sleep, and need to recharge energy, Saturday and Sunday are the days to pay off after work exhaustion.

Flinders University sleep expert Leon Lack says that many people often fill weekends to make up for lost sleep during the week.

"We've found that paying off the 'sleep debt' actually damages the body clock. On Sunday nights you need to change your sleeping hours and experience the Monday blues, ”said Professor Lack at the Australasian Sleep Association Conference, Perth.

Extra sleep on holidays actually makes you more tired the next day. It also makes it difficult to wake up on Monday morning even though you feel well rested over the weekend.

Need to socialize

Humans are social creatures, because of this we need to socialize on Monday morning. Making sure that the office is safe and comfortable in the next week means that it takes pleasantries and gossip here and there.

According to clinical psychologist, Professor Gardner, a person needs recognition in the work environment. He needs to be accepted as a 'tribe member' after two days in each other's personal lives.

There was an emotional change

Monday morning will be different from Sunday morning. Participants in the study said Monday was a bad day. In fact there is a huge emotional shift between Sunday and Monday.

When measured the stress or depression scale, it was found that Monday through Thursday had the same level. If Friday is very different, because people tend to prepare for the weekend.

Need extra preparation

A study examines the habits of women in America of all ages when it comes to Monday. They feel worse because the holidays are filled with the freedom to eat, drink and smoke. Monday mornings they need some extra preparation to make up their appearance and change something about themselves.

Monday is an unhealthy day

Based on data from JAMA Internal Medicine, people had the most heart attacks and strokes on Monday. Because Monday feels unwell, on this very day many people start dieting and decide to quit smoking.

Gallup once conducted a poll, 70 percent of the fillers experienced the Monday blues because they didn't like their job. That means, is it true that Monday feels terrible for those who don't like to work?

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