JAKARTA - Maia Estianty is always seen appearing confidently as a popular musician in Indonesia. As a woman, she always appears confident both on stage and in her daily activities.

Maia also shares tips so that a person can appear confident and more attractive. "Precentable, use something that is trending," said Maia. According to her, appearing with an attractive appearance is a must, plus her job as a public figure makes appearance the basis that must be considered.

One way to make it look attractive is to use something that is trending among the public. The trend can be in the form of makeup and clothing modes that look suitable so as not to seem outdated. Even so, keep paying attention to colors and trend models so that they look suitable when used. Not forcing the use of a trend when it is deemed unsuitable is also important so that your appearance is maintained.

Maia said wearing lipstick makeup is important because lips are one of the most visible parts of the body. Even at home, Maia still wears lipstick with a more natural color so that her lips look healthy and bright. In addition, pay attention to body posture, such as how to stand, walk, chat, and others. Don't let your body bend too much, especially when standing or walking so that your posture looks good. In addition, from a good posture you can radiate your confidence from someone and make it more attractive. Maia also suggests always looking neat, especially when outside or meeting other people. By looking neat, a person will feel more confident because he looks ready. Make sure to wear comfortable and matching clothes to make your appearance look attractive.

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