Accelerating Vaccination Of Health Workers, Surabaya City Government Adds Fasyankes Locations

SURABAYA - The Surabaya City Health Office (Dinkes) has increased the number of Health Service Facilities (Fasyankes), in order to accelerate the implementation of COVID-19 vaccination. Initially, there were 109 health facilities available and now it has increased by two to 111 locations.

Head of the Surabaya Health Office, Febria Rachmanita, said the number of previously registered health facilities as vaccination posts was 109. Then there are two additional hospitals, bringing the total to 111 vaccination sites. The two additional hospitals are RS RKZ and Adi Husada Undaan Wetan Hospital.

"So there are 63 health centers and 48 hospitals," said Feny, his nickname, in Surabaya, Thursday, January 21, 2021.

Feny said the addition of the two locations was aimed at accelerating the implementation so that it would be more massive and quickly accepted by health workers. Moreover, he said, his party received 18,420 vials of Sinovac vaccine again.

"Previously we had sent 15 thousand vials, then yesterday 18,420 vials, so a total of 33,420 vials have been received by Surabaya. This means, for the delivery of vaccines, first, we have received them completely," he said.

Based on the latest data, the total number of health workers who have been vaccinated is 3,327 people or 11.89 percent. Meanwhile, the number of health workers who have not passed the screening stage is around 360 people. Later, he said, they would be scheduled to return to be injected with the COVID-19 vaccine.

"Then for the latest data, the total target of this first phase is 31,011 people. The details are 26,802 health workers have verified or re-registered and the rest have not registered, some have not received SMS blast, this is in stages," he said.

According to Feny, the vaccination process for health workers in Surabaya is considered to be running smoothly and under control. Seeing this condition, the implementation of the first phase of the vaccine is predicted to be on target, namely for two weeks.

"Alhamdulillah, it goes well, everything can be resolved. Hopefully it is on target," said Feny.

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