JAKARTA - Surprisingly, Netflix provides the latest news regarding the fourth season of Stranger Things. Through a teaser video uploaded via the Twitter account @Stranger_Things, the video is entitled 'From Russia With Love'. This teaser also answers the cliffhanger that occurs at the end of the third season episode.
In the final episode of the third season, Jim Hopper (David Harbor) breaks the engine connecting Upside Down. He decided to volunteer himself to die in an explosion in order to protect his city. The season ends with the sighting of the Russian city of Kamchatka.
In the teaser that was released, winter was seen in the city. The officers were seen walking with weapons while watching the workers doing their job repairing the railroad tracks. The camera runs on everyone until it comes into focus with one man removing his hat, Hopper.
Through this teaser we see that it turns out that Hopper is still alive and well, even though Hopper doesn't show any plans to get out of the prison.
The Duffer Brothers, Matt and Ross as creators expressed the statement "We are excited to confirm production of Stranger Things 4 is underway - and more excited to announce Hopper's return,"
Apart from the announcement, they also had time to leak "Hopper is far from home and is in Kamchatka, where he will face danger between humans ... and others." Duffer Brothers also revealed that something will connect the story that was not resolved in the third season.

Meanwhile, David Harbor told TVLine that Stranger Things doesn't have an open-ending like other tv series. “There's an ending for all characters… We'll give you something fun. We have a specific story that we will tell. "
Like the creators, fans are also enthusiastic about the continuation of the fourth season of Stranger Things. Even though the teaser was just released on February 14, the 50-second video has been watched more than 3 million times.
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