JAKARTA - The divorce lawsuit filed by Desta on May 11 shocked netizens. Desta's attorney, Hendra Siregar, finally revealed the reason why his client filed for divorce, namely the difference in vision and mission between Desta and his wife who is familiarly called Caca.

"It's no longer in line with the vision and mission, so there is this. And they have also agreed in fact," said Hendra Thursday, May 18.

He also emphasized that the decision was taken not because of economic problems or the existence of a third person. "There is no (third person), it is certain that it does not exist. It is still going well," he continued. Desta's famous presenter is now flooded with criticism after suing his wife for divorce, Natasha Rizki, to the South Jakarta Religious Court. Now, the father of three gave a curt answer after being asked by the media about his divorce.

When reporters tried to ask Desta directly, he insisted he would never answer.

"You don't have to ask me already, I won't answer anything," said Desta curtly, quoted from the Instagram gossip account @lambetainment, Friday, May 19.

Then, this 46-year-old man asked permission to enter the airport to check in. He seemed to be avoiding and reluctant to answer various questions from the media crew. "I want to enter," said Desta.

The post was flooded with criticism from netizens. They were busy blaspheming Desta after suing the 29-year-old woman for divorce.

"Sometimes men are selfish. They are grateful, get a wife who is young, and immediately wears a hijab, but never mind," commented the account @saharat****.

"Yes, the wrong person, you won't be able to answer anything. Your style is exorbitant, if it weren't for your children and wife, you wouldn't be like now!" write the account @yuli_****.

"Amit-amit, tindak, belagu ini orang. Jangan-jangan cerai mau bebas kali, belum mampu untuk punya keluarga," kata akun @_nabila****.

For information, Desta married Caca on April 21, 2013. The two were quite far apart in age, where Desta was 35 years old when she married, while his wife was 19 years old at the time. From this marriage, they have been blessed with three children, Megumi Arawda Sachi, Mishka Arrawfa Najma, and Miguel Arrawsya calmd.

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