JAKARTA - The character of Bu Tejo, played by Siti Fauziah in the short film Tilik, gives a strong impression to the audience. The actress, who is familiarly called Ozy, admitted that she became known to many people, especially the people of Yogyakarta.

Although Bu Tejo's character is quite annoying, Ozy admits that he received a positive response from the people he met. In fact, Ozy is often invited by women, both long known and newly known, to visit their homes.

"If you know the story, sometimes people think they want to take part in what's wrong, fortunately they don't. So far, nothing has happened. What often happens is that mothers ask me to play at home, they will cook their favorite food. That means Mrs. Tejo is loved," said Siti Fauziah in a virtual press conference, Tuesday, May 16.

Siti Fauziah believes that the audience is now smart and doesn't take up what her character shows. From people's response to her role, Ozy said that the audience was able to take the value of kindness from Mrs. Tejo's character.

Ozy also talked about learning that he got from the story in Tilik The Series, especially Bu Tejo's character. He admitted that he was swept away while acting to play his role while filming.

"The serious problems faced by Mrs. Tejo started from problems with my husband, children and other problems that made me cry. I really cried in this scene," said Ozi.

From Bu Tejo's character, the 34-year-old actress also learned about one important thing for women. He saw that women must have confidence and also support other women.

"Kodrat is something that we bring from birth. Starting from there, actually all humans have the same right to develop themselves as humans. The implementation is how to foster trust in ourselves and support others," concluded Siti Fauziah.

For information, Tilik's short film, which has been watched more than 28 million times on YouTube, comes with a new chapter of Tilik The Series that airs on WeTV.

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