The Cause Why The Blue Sky Turns Out To Be Because Of This!
The Cause Why The Sky Is Blue In Color (Pexels Image - Pixabay)

YOGYAKARTA - When outdoors the weather is clear, of course, if we look at the sky, it certainly looks blue and decorated with beautiful white clouds. But have you ever thought why the sky is blue?

Exactly during the day, especially when the weather is bright again, until the color of the sky will look blue. In fact, this incident is the same as a kind of ocean blue incident. When observed from a distance, it will appear blue, but when approached, the water will appear clear.

Of course, there is curiosity in our head, how can the sky cause a blue color? In fact, this matter can be explained objectively. If we first learn about the refraction of light, the blueness of the sky color, we can know through one of the physical sciences.

There Is A Short Wave Of Light

The source of light found in the universe is Mentari. Its white patterned rays radiated at the planets that circle the Sun, also listed the nature of the place where people live. When the Light of Mentari radiates into Nature, until the white rays will surpass Earth's atmosphere.

In the physics practicum, the atmosphere can be likened to a kind of mirror prism. Where the Earth's atmosphere has various gases such as carbonium, nitrogen, acidic substances, and others will cause light to become split when passing through.

The divided rays will turn into different waves. There is a long wave and there is a short part of the wave. The far wave of light will change to yellow, orange, and red. Meanwhile, short light waves will be blue and green. Such a motif can be obtained by our retinal eyes.

Short Waves Of Light Scattered In Space

If long-beam waves can be continued to a very long distance, up to short waves, some of the sizes will fall apart in space. Such things can make some of the sky look blue compared to other colors. The short-wave light seems to blanket the Earth, as a result, the big sky will also look blue.

So after knowing why the sky is blue, see other interesting news on VOI, it's time to revolutionize news!

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