JAKARTA - Often have difficulty waking up in the morning? Or is it easy to wake up but the sleepiness doesn't go away? It seems you need to try some powerful tips so that your body feels fresher in the morning when you wake up. So sleepiness goes away and you are ready to carry out the day's activities.

Create a sleep schedule

In order to avoid excessive sleepiness when you wake up in the morning, you must have adequate quality sleep at night. How? Create the best sleep schedule possible and try to consistently sleep at the same time. Maybe your body needs to adapt to this habit, but it will gradually get used to it.

After getting regular bedtime, make getting up early as a habit. Even do this when you are on vacation.

Get out of bed immediately

Usually 'ngulet' or lazing in bed is the most comfortable thing to do after waking up. But this actually invites drowsiness to come back. You can overcome this by directly opening the window or turning on the light so that you can't help but have to force your eyes open due to the beam of light.

The light that shines on the eyes is the initial signal for the brain to produce melatonin, a hormone that regulates sleep.

Drink water

The way to wake up in the morning without getting sleepy is by drinking water. Drinking water in the morning on an empty stomach can release all toxins and can improve the digestive system. A good digestive system and metabolism are good for increasing productivity.


Try to enjoy the serenity in the morning by meditating. The goal is that you can carry out activities properly after getting up in the morning. Just five to ten minutes of closing your eyes, keeping quiet, and breathing the fresh air in the morning can increase your concentration throughout the day.

Light exercise

When you wake up, your body temperature tends to be low. This is one reason why sleepiness persists when you wake up in the morning. To stay fresh, warm up your body so that your body temperature slowly returns to normal. Do gymnastics or light yoga movements until the body becomes more relaxed.

Look for entertainment

Playing with children, nieces, or pets can help lift the mood. Your day will definitely be more cheerful and enjoyable with the positive energy transfer in the morning.

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