YOGYAKARTA - The walls of humid walls often cause many problems, ranging from not being pleasing to the fact that the paint color is starting to break, the walls of moldy walls, several other items that intersect with the walls are also damp, the smell is not good, until the paint is peeling. Want to know how to deal with the damp walls of the house?

The wall of the wall becomes humid caused by various things, it can often be splashed or sprayed by water, exposed to rainwater, water seepage from various angles of building, or indoor rooms that are not protected by moisture.

Various methods can be tried to overcome humid walls, ranging from very detailed methods to very efficient methods. If you are trying to overcome the damp walls, follow the following suggestions.

Checking the parts of the building

The initial thing that must be done to overcome the damp walls is checking the parts of the construction. You get to recognize what makes the wall of the construction wall moist. Check starting from building asbestos, building trunks, pipelines, gaps or cracks found on the floor as well as walls, AC sewers, some goods or furniture close to the wall, to any plant that develops close to the wall.

After You know, of course, one or one of the triggers for the wall of the building wall have become humid, carry out a completion that is right on target to reduce and prevent wall walls from becoming humid again.

Fluid fungicides or anti-giants

The damp wall of the wall is usually also caused by the presence of mold on the surface or its gaps. To overcome the moldy walls, you can spray or give anti-giant solutions (furfs) on the walls after cleaning from the existing mushrooms. You can also do this as a form of deterrence on the wall that is not moldy so it doesn't become humid.


The provision of anti-water (water proof) material is also one of the ways that many people usually try to overcome the damp walls. Give water proof wall paint that is of a quality such as Smart Care Dam Proof, which can provide double protection on the walls of your wall thanks to the presence of Silicon Impregnance and Ceramic Sphere Technology features.


Repainting is one of the most trusted actions to tackle the damp walls. When before carrying out the painting again, you can simply get rid of the mushrooms (if any) on the wall of the construction wall and level the walls if there is an oscillations or susceptibility.

After that, you can repaint the wall of the construction wall with TruCare 2in1 exterior paint as a basic paint that has resistance to rainwater, alkali, and salt, so your wall is free from excess moisture. There is also Apex Weather Defense which prevents the walls of construction from various weather conditions, air pollution and fungi.

So after knowing how to overcome the walls of humid houses, see other interesting news on VOI, it's time to revolutionize news!

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