According To Skin Type, How Many Times A Day Do You Need To Wash Your Face?
Illustration of washing the face (Pexels / Leah Kelley)

JAKARTA - The skin produces natural moisturizers, if you wash your face too often it will make it dry. This means that washing your face needs to be adjusted. You don't need to be too often, but know the condition and type of facial skin.

Then, how many times do you need to wash your face? Here's the explanation.

Oily skin type
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Illustration of oily face (Pexels / Sora Shimazaki)

Skin that has high sebum production or what is called oily skin, wash it twice a day. Wash your face can be done in the morning and at night.

During sleep, facial skin also produces oil as a natural moisturizer. In order not to accumulate and look fresh, wash your face after waking up. Meanwhile, at night after doing activities, dust and dirt sticks to the face. So that you don't have skin problems, such as acne, then wash your face before bed.

In addition to washing your face, do treatments such as wearing a mask according to your skin type and exfoliating twice a week.

Dry and sensitive skin types
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Dry skin illustration (Unsplash / @ speckfechta)

Because they are sensitive, using too much facial soap will not make them flawless. In fact, washing your face too often can irritate your skin. For sensitive skin types, wash your face once a day.

As for dry skin types, you can wash your face using soap twice a day too. Too often for those with dry skin types it can exacerbate the production of natural moisturizers. This means that you can follow the pattern of activities, before and after doing activities outside the home you can wash them clean.

After washing your face, dry with a soft towel. When drying, just pat it dry. Avoid rubbing it as it worsens the surface of the skin.

Wash your face after applying makeup
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Illustration of remaining mascara (Unsplash / Abbat)

Whatever skin type, wash your face after putting on makeup. The rest of the makeup that sticks to the skin must be cleaned, first using a makeup remover. Then you can wash it with room temperature water and use facial soap. Rinse thoroughly and dry with a towel.

After sports
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Sports illustration (Pexels / Ketut Subiyanto)

Just like after putting on makeup, cleaning your face after exercise needs to be done for various types of facial skin. Sweat that comes out and dust or other impurities, do not clog the pores of the skin making it prone to acne.

Remember, wash your face after exercise, wait until the sweat dries. After that, dry with a clean towel.

What needs to be avoided, wash your face after exposure to the sun. If you do, the skin pigment is uneven and looks scaly. So, wait until the temperature is normal and wash your face.

To keep your skin healthy and radiant, use a variety of skincare products according to your skin type. And, keep eating nutritious foods that can nourish the skin from within.

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