Long Viewing Screen Makes Eyes Tired And Stinging? Overcome This Way!
Illustration of an eye looking at a screen (Unsplash / Lukáš Gejdoš

JAKARTA - Looking at a computer screen, laptop or smartphone for a long time often makes the eyes feel tired and sore. This condition needs to be addressed immediately before experiencing shoulder, neck tension and headaches.

To deal with tired and sore eyes, there are several ways. Among others, with eye yoga and rest for a while. Launching from Siloam Hospitals, follow the solution for tired and sore eyes below.

Rest your eyes for 20 seconds every 20 minutes. When resting your eyes, look away and wear the 20-20-20 pattern. That is, every 20 minutes to rest your eyes to refresh them. Compress with warm water or use eye drops. Adjust the room light, avoid too dark and too bright. Avoid looking at the screen in a dark light room. Set a sitting position within 50 to 60 centimeters with a computer, laptop or television screen.

In addition to the simple method above, to deal with tired and sore eyes can use eye yoga.

Yoga as we know it is beneficial for health. Meanwhile, eye yoga, quoted from Kompas, is not completely helpful for everyone. However, not a few also practice it regularly in order to get maximum results.

How to do eye yoga, follow the steps below:

Short stretches to relax facial muscles. Move your jaw and eyebrows and close your eyes. When your eyes are closed, turn your pupils upwards for a count of four. Continue to bring the pupil down for the same count. This step can be repeated three times. Strengthening the muscles around the eyes with blinking, ten quick blinks and five slow blinks. This step can be repeated five times. To make your eyes focus more, sit in a chair facing straight ahead. Make sure the sitting position is comfortable with your back straight. Extend your thumbs in front of your face, at eye level. Keep your eyes fixed on your thumb, moving them closer for a count of four and away from your nose for a count of equal. This step can be done five times the thumb approaching and moving away.

Doing eye yoga takes less than ten minutes. When doing this, it can be followed by a short meditation to calm the mind.

Want to try the method above? Do it regularly if you start to feel tired and sore eyes.

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