JAKARTA - The Department of Public Relations is a combination of the concept of community relations and communication science that makes students have good relations with the public. In addition to honing public speaking skills, this department will also train you to be a person who is able to keep up with the times.

How come? While working in the Public Relations section, you will learn to observe the development of information in various media. Especially now that technological developments have penetrated many fields, including in business activities in maintaining the company's reputation.

The development of this technology then also affects the functions and tasks of Public Relations so that the term shifts slightly to Digital Public Relations. Well, if you are interested in majoring in Public Relations, you really need to adapt to this condition in order to increase the company's exposure.

In an organization, the role of Public Relations is very vital, especially in managing two-way communication between organizations and the community. Thus, the goal in the organization can be achieved from maintaining good relations between parties involved in program management.

Future Career Prospects for Digital Public Relations Opportunities from the Public Relations department are actually very broad. Starting from working in companies or the media, to working independently and building your own business according to the plans you have. Based on the knowledge you will learn, Public Relations activities can explore many areas of the digital industry, including: 1. Publisher Marketing Public Relations Publisher Marketing Public Relations is tasked with making press releases and preparing information for the media regarding companies, including promotional programs. This role is important to carry out the image and identity of the company as well as provide periodic information to the executive and answer media questions.

Digital PR will be responsible for developing corporate social media strategies to increase awareness and increase engagement. You need to create content plans and build good relationships with influencers in order to be able to create effective multimedia content.

Not only that, but Digital PR, which is responsible for this position, also plays an important role in maintaining communication with clients. Either by telephone, email, conference call or when needed in face-to-face activities with consumers.

2. Marketing Communication Manager in line with the skills needed for Publisher Marketing Public Relations, more specifically, there is the role of Marketing Communication Manager. The ability that needs to be owned is copywriting to write content plans and draw up pitches sent to new client candidates. Compywriting is needed to adjust the target audience with the characteristics of a brand so that sales targets can be achieved. Therefore, a better writing ability is needed from a more specific and convincing point of view.

3. Corporate Secretary Although it looks simple, the duties of the company's secretary are actually quite a lot. Starting from administration, bureaucracy, compliance, to general affairs. The many responsibilities that need to be regulated by Corporate Secretary are multitasking skills and good planning.

Exciseness of details is also needed in order to make documents that you manage well. On the other hand, effective communication skills and qualified decision-making skills are also necessary. So it takes PR's digital ability to use technology to make work neater.

4. External Affairs Some companies need to have permits and comply with applicable laws so that companies can run well. On the other hand, External Affairs is responsible for establishing relationships with the community, media, NGOs, and stakeholders.

Starting from identifying potential conflicts with the community to become management considerations so that problems can be resolved before problems occur. Until establishing a harmonious relationship between the company and all interested parties to improve the image of the company.

The important task is to monitor community activities owned by a company and ensure that it runs according to the company's program. Therefore, knowledge from Public Relations is needed in order to establish good communication between parties.

5. Investor Relations Manager As the name implies, Investor Relations Manager is responsible for arranging meetings with many parties as well as arranging meetings with shareholders. This responsibility makes an Investor Relations Manager so that many investors are interested in investing in the company.

After reading this review, you certainly become more understanding about the role of Public Relations which is quite vital in various career prospects. Thus, you need to have special skills and knowledge so that you can work optimally in this field by studying at the best campus.

In fact, many universities have majored in Public Relations to explore this field and achieve the career you want. But it turns out that not many campuses are developing the Public Relations department that are able to adapt to digital developments.

Therefore, you can enter the LSPR to gain knowledge about the best Public Relations. The Department of Public Relations at the LSPR has adapted to digital developments, so that the knowledge and activities of Public Relations that you will get will help you get the right job. Register yourself right now! (ADV)

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