YOGYAKARTA - Consuming continuous or excessive coffee can have a negative impact on health. The caffeine content contained in coffee can also have an effect of dependence. Your coffee addicts or coffee-addicts are certainly quite difficult to stop drinking coffee. When you stop consuming coffee, you will feel symptoms of caffeine break.

For coffee addicts, drinking coffee is like an obligation every day. When going through one day without coffee, coffee addicts usually feel restless, lose their mood, and have a headache. If you experience it, then it could be a breakdown of caffeine.

Eliminating habits suddenly is not easy. Like one day you don't use your phone or access social media. Surely you will feel symptoms that make you uncomfortable or restless. Likewise, when a coffee addict decides to stop drinking coffee.

Cut off caffeine or caffeine withdrawal is a side effect of caffeine dependence. Symptoms of caffeine break will appear when someone stops drinking coffee suddenly or suddenly.

So it is very natural that a coffee addict finds it difficult to stop drinking coffee at once. The caffeine content in a dose of 100 milligrams (mg) per day alone can cause the warrant to depend on caffeine. When the body is dependent, the body will feel certain symptoms or effects when it stops consuming caffeine.

The American Psychiatric Association (APA) even classifies caffeine breaking as a mental disorder. When experiencing symptoms of caffeine breakdown, you may still be able to undergo daily activities. But usually you will find it difficult to focus and keep thinking about wanting to get a cup of coffee.

There are a number of symptoms of breakdown of caffeine that you will feel when you decide to quit drinking coffee. This condition occurs because caffeine causes changes in levels of chemicals that play a role in sending signals of information in the brain. These substances are serotonin, acetilcholine, and norepinephrine.

When you stop consuming caffeine, there will be a change in the chemical balance in the brain. This condition then gives rise to symptoms of caffeine breaking. The most frequently complained side effect is a decrease in concentration when you don't drink coffee.

In addition, there are several other symptoms that usually appear when a coffee addict stops consuming coffee. Here are the symptoms you feel.

Quitting old habits can't be done suddenly or directly. Like stopping drinking coffee, a coffee taxi needs to get rid of this habit slowly or gradually.

Here are a number of tips for stopping drinking coffee for you coffee addicts so they are not intimidated by symptoms of caffeine breakdown.

That's a review of the symptoms of break up caffeine and how to deal with it. Stopping from the habit of drinking coffee is a tough challenge for coffee addicts. But you can achieve this target by reducing drinking coffee slowly.

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