JAKARTA - Raffi Ahmad received the first session of the Covid-19 vaccine on Wednesday, January 13, 2021. Raffi became a millennial representative who entered the first session of the Covid-19 vaccination.

The sequence of the first session is President Jokowi, dr. Daeng M. Faqih (Chairman of IDI), Dr. H. Amiesyah Tambunan (Secretary General MUI / Muhammadiyah), Kiai Ishom (PP NU), TNI Commander Marshal Hadi Tjahjanto and National Police Chief General Idham Azis. After they were vaccinated, it was Raffi's turn to be vaccinated.

Quoted from YouTube's Presidential Secretariat, Spokesperson for COVID-19 Vaccination Reisa Broto Asmoro said Raffi was also vaccinated as a representative of the millennial generation. The government chose Raffi in the hope that young people would participate in the COVID-19 vaccination program.

"Currently Raffi Ahmad is present as a representative of the community representing millennials who can hopefully be an inspiration for all Indonesian people to believe in the COVID-19 vaccine and contribute to the success of the vaccination program in Indonesia," said Reisa while presenting the narrative of Raffi's election at the State Palace, Jakarta, Wednesday (13/1/2021).

After receiving the vaccine injection, Raffi Ahmad uploaded a photo of President Joko Widodo. "Alhamdulillah, today is the Prime Vaccine with Mr. Jokowi. Thank you for your trust ... for Beloved Indonesia Come on Vaccine

Come on, don't be afraid of Vaccines guys !!! Hopefully we are always healthy and the evil Covid Virus Virus disappears from this Earth and Indonesia and when vaccines are already done, we will still comply with health protocols, "said Raffi Ahmad.

If we look back, Raffi Ahmad is indeed an artist who really cares about health protocols. Quoted from YouTube Rans Entertainment, Raffi once held a mass swab test for his family and workers in September 2020.

The test was carried out over three days for a total of 160 people tested. At that Nagita reminded them not to be afraid of the swab test because it was for the good of themselves and those around them.

Even though none of the employees showed positive symptoms of Covid-19, Raffi Ahmad and Nagita still wanted to confirm with a swab test. "Healthy, all means physically healthy. So I and Raffi want everything to check first," said Nagita Slavina.

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