YOGYAKARTA One of the obstacles that people who often feel by fasting is constipation. This digestive disorder has an impact on the difficulty of bowel movements (BAB). To avoid this, know several ways to prevent constipation during fasting so that the stomach remains comfortable.

Convoluted is digestive disorder caused by decreased intestinal activity to difficulty defecating. This disorder can happen to anyone and at any time, including when fasting.

The convolutedness can actually be treated. However, as the saying goes, it is better to prevent than to treat it, you must take a series of precautions so as not to experience these disturbances. The way to prevent constipation that can be done is as follows.

Fiber foods are very effective at preventing constipation and smoothing defecations. Consumption of fiber foods both during sahur and breaking the fast will be highly recommended, especially for people who fast. Fiber foods help improve digestion, absorb and process foods. Fibers also help soften the feces to make it easier to remove from the body. Examples of fiber foods that prevent constipation are fruits and vegetables.

Body fluids will be reduced a lot during fasting. Insufficient body fluids have an impact on the difficulty of defecating. Therefore, people have to drink enough water. How to drink enough water during fasting must also be considered, namely by the 2-4-2 method, namely 2 glasses of water at the time of breaking, 4 glasses of water at night, and 2 glasses of water at dawn.

Fasting is not an obstacle to regular exercise. You can manage exercise appropriately. For example, after dawn with light exercise. This method is very effective in preventing constipation. Some sports that are suitable for fasting such as walking, yoga exercise, or relaxing bicycles.

Probiotics are living microorganisms that are good for their hosts. Probiotics help prevent constipation during fasting. Some foods or probiotic drinks are yogurt, kefir, or tempeh. You can eat them when open or at night to help prevent hardening feces. Probiotics also nourish digestion and increase endurance.

You canonsimize fatty foods but with a limited amount, especially during fasting. In fact, some people really avoid high fatty foods for certain purposes such as diets. Foods of this type will be difficult to digest by the body and make feses difficult to push.

Regular defecation also helps reduce the risk of constipation. In order to have a regular defecation, you must adopt a healthy lifestyle, especially in terms of food and drinks. In addition, try not to hold the defecation too often. In addition to causing constipation, delaying the defecation also makes the intestine unhealthy.

Some people choose to reduce physical activity so they don't get hungry easily or run out of energy. They then sleep a lot at home. This is not recommended because it has the potential to cause constipation.

Stress turns out to not only affect mental health but also body health, especially the intestines. Stress makes the gut slow down, causing constipation during fasting.

Those are some ways to prevent constipation during fasting. Visit VOI.ID to get other interesting information.

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