YOGYAKARTA Shocked and awakened from sleep while having nightmares, is the focus of research for psychiatrists, neurologists, and psychologists. Usually, nightmares start aged between 3-6 years when pre-school children. Then peaked in late childhood and early adults. Dreams, also considered to play a role in sleep disorders and non-sleeping mental disorders, are mainly associated with post-traumatic stress disorders (PTSD).

What do his experts and research on nightmares think? Over the thousands of years, dreams have become a puzzle and are believed to be related to predictions. According to ancient society, dreams are direct communication with gods or the spirit world. However, in research, including the doing of Sigmund Freud in a psychological context, dreams are an interesting phenomenon to be explored more deeply.

In the journal Science reported by Psychology Today, Monday, March 20, eye movements, EEG patterns, and autonomous nervous system activities are significantly related to cortical activity that is encountered normally during sleep. The period of eye movement first appeared about 3 hours after sleep. This movement repeated 2 hours later. Then it appears with an interval that is close to the time of waking up.

Tubson and McCaryy describe a new interpretation of the causes and contents of dreams, called the activation-synthetic hypothesis. This interpretation, based on research in brain physiological areas, suggests that the activation of neural activity begins in brain stems while sleeping.

When the activation reaches the front brain, the front brain tries to understand what is basically a piece of random activity. During the wake-up period, the task of the prefrontal cortex (PFC) is to understand the world and combine some external excitations that come from sensory. Together with knowledge before receiving excitation, all information is stored in a coherent pattern.

PFC's task is also done on a sleepscale. So the building' period is a moment when someone makes up the best stories that can be done from random activities. This phenomenon explains the fact that dreams make the most sense to musicians when they wake up, but often have some unreasonable aspects. Unless conscious efforts are made to remember dreams, memories evaporate quickly, and this is due to the fact that during sleep, PFC is disconnected from the area of the middle brain that controls short-term memory.

As long as you remember your dream, PFC will often create a story where the builder begins to think of its meaning, and that new meaning can be remembered. For example, if some of the images and sensations you dream of are about fear in a strange context. One may connect that content with past events or go far in the past when they are afraid of something in a real situation.

That's an explanation of dreams including nightmares as brain performance based on scientific research. However, many people believe dreams are related to mental health, so they need a psychiatrist or psychologist to discuss their mental condition.

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