JAKARTA - Spices are a variety of plant products that are divided based on their characteristics and benefits. Some types that give off a scent are called aromatic herbs.
Others that are useful for medicine are called hundred spices. Both of these are the reasons why it is good to have stock of spices in the kitchen.
Apart from being useful for making dishes more delicious, launched from John Hopkins Medicine, there are more than 100 different spices used in the world.
Spices are a great source of antioxidants, says Diane Vizthum, MS, RD, an expert in nutritional research at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine.
Furthermore, what spices are good at home?
Warm and spicy taste glow in the mouth when mixing nutmeg in a dish. Besides enhancing the taste of dishes, nutmeg is a spice that is high in anti-inflammatory properties.
The benefits for health are not only able to control blood sugar and healthy the heart. Nutmeg can also be useful for boosting your mood.
Oral health, diabetes, cancer and the risk of disease caused by obesity Medical News Today noted as the health benefits of cloves. The effectiveness of clove oil has been studied as an herbal mouthwash.
The research made a mouthwash from a mixture of clove oil, basil and tea tree oil. The results show that it can reduce mouth inflammation and bacterial growth. It can also fight plaque and gingivitis.
There are two kinds of pepper, namely black pepper and white pepper. Pepper is often referred to as the King of Spice because it is the most popular among the others. Often also known as pepper which is always on every table in the restaurant to prepare dishes.
Pepper, in research conducted at the University of Kansas, United States found that its content is able to expel chemical heterocyclic amines (HCAs) that cause cancer.
These chemicals are usually formed when meat is processed at high temperatures. That is, the reason that the steak is often sprinkled with pepper or black pepper is answered.
Cardamom has been known for centuries and used both as a spice in cooking and medicine. Initially, the aroma and taste were distinctive in Middle Eastern and Arabic cuisine. Which finally scattered all over.
Cardamom is in the form of seeds, the plant belongs to the same family as ginger. The phytochemicals in cardamom have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties.
Cinnamon from the aromatic cassia tree. In the world, there are various kinds of cinnamon, such as the delicate Ceylon cinnamon and the distinctive Saigon cinnamon. Medical News Today records various studies on the health benefits of cinnamon.
Cinnamon has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antidiabetic and antimicrobial properties. The aromatic and faint wood that tastes sweet when brewed can protect against cancer and cardiovascular disease.
A tropical plant that has been used for thousands of years, ginger, is useful for treating stomach aches, diarrhea, and nausea.
In popular culture, ginger is processed in forms such as candy, capsules and tisane. If you don't keep it in the form of fresh ginger, try planting it in polybags or empty land around the house.
Some grocery or bulk stores also offer powdered ginger. This is one practical way to store it in the kitchen.
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