JAKARTA - The film Losmen Melati will be shown simultaneously in Indonesian cinemas on March 16, 2023. The film produced by CATCHPLAY with Infinite Studios chose the background at two different times, 1900 and 1997. Director Mike Wiluan with co-director Billy Christian, the film designed a shooting location in a studio with lots of antiques.

"For the location, we shoot in the studio. During production time there were several scenes that were crowded, to make it more efficient for us to take them in the studio. So the house is also in the studio," said Billy Christian at a press conference at Epicentrum, South Jakarta on Tuesday, March 14, 2023.

Billy admitted that the presence of antiques is indeed a necessity to fulfill the demands of the existing stories.

More than that, the location design was carried out by the production team, said Billy, made with special considerations. We see Losmen Melati's character is not only the actors, but her own house is a character. So we really designed it in such a way because this house is a character too," he said.

In line with Billy, Dwi Sasono as the actor admitted that the existing set was made with a lot of hard work. So fascinated by the set, he admitted that he had felt intimidated.

"Once the first time I entered the set, it was really that good. It made me intimidated. Maybe because the set was so real, when I took it again I felt like the set was watching me," said Dwi Sasono.

On the other hand, Mike Wiluan said that everything in the film was made to give the impression of being independent of the audience. Interestingly this film not only makes the audience feel afraid, but also a background story that adds to the horror of watching a movie," said Mike.

For him, the film Losmen Melati is not just about visitors who cannot come out safely, but there are many elements in it, including the initial story that caused Losmen Melati to finally stick to the word dead.

The film Losmen Melati itself stars Alexandra Gottardo, Kiki Narendra, Samuel Panjaitan, Fandy Christian, Dwi Sasono and several other names.

Losmen Melati tells the story of a remote and mysterious inn managed by its mysterious owner named Melati. It can lure visitors and make them suspicious. However, visitors will be faced with their worst dreams and never seen again.

The film will open about travelers looking for lodging. They found the Melati Inn and were guests there, until they realized that when they got in there they would never be able to go out again.

Melati, the owner of the inn, apparently has a hidden agenda for guests who come to his inn. In the midst of the reckless atmosphere of the inn, the audience will find out the background of Melati's dark figure. But it turns out that there are things that are more scary than Melati's past, and the evil power will be revealed in the Melati Inn.

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