Shannon also told how he was involved when he was invited to see firsthand what happened. I was invited by one of the Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO) to go to East Nusa Tenggara. At that time I participated in the program to open access to clean water in one of the areas there. There I can see firsthand how difficult it is for girls to walk around just to get clean water, which directly has a huge impact on their health and also overcomes their menstrual problems," he said during a press conference at the Sarinah Building, Central Jakarta last week.

The release of the short film and exhibition Ana & The Red Wings initiated by UNICEF Indonesia and Kimberly-Clark is also Shannon's filihat as a good campaign to educate young women not to worry about menstruation.

"In my opinion, this film is very good and educational, where this film not only provides education to the public about the importance of menstrual health but also educates the public that menstruation is not something taboo when discussed in the context of education," he concluded.

In addition to talking about her involvement in educating young girls in Timue Indonesia, Shannon also talked about his experience when he first faced menstruation. He first experienced it when he was in 6th grade elementary school.

The name of the first menstrual experience for me is a very special thing. Why do I say it's special? Because menstruation is one of our natures as a woman. Kodrat means we can't refuse and hold it back, because it's been given by God," said Shannon.

Even though he felt he had received enough information, Shannon admitted that he was surprised when he first faced menstruation. However, he considers it a natural thing. In addition, there is also relief that he feels.

Even though I have been provided with sufficient information, my first menstrual experience is something that at that time I was growing, there was a sense of shock, there was a feeling of nervousness, but there was also a sense of relief because finally I was able to enter a new phase towards maturity. So at that time I was quite excited instead, "concluded Shanna Shannon.

Through that story, Shannon wants to inspire other teenage girls who have not received much information about menstruation. He considered that there were still many young women who had not been educated enough.

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