JAKARTA - The film Devil In Blood is not only shown in Indonesia. The film, starring Michelle Joan, Ryaas Randa, Cut Ashifa Al'ar, and Soraya Rasyid, will be released in Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Vietnam.

Producer of HELLOAD PRODUCTION, Helfi Kardit said broadcasts outside Indonesia, April 20 aired in Malaysia, Brunei and Singapore, April 24, airing in Cambodia and Vietnam.

Director Yannie Sukarya admitted that she was enthusiastic to hear the news. "Of course, I'm proud and happy. Especially when it can be broadcast in the moments of Eid in Malaysia, Singapore and Brunei Darussalam. Hopefully in Indonesia, the audience abroad will be able to wait for the film Devil Dalam Blood to be shown there," he hoped to meet at Epicentrum, South Jakarta, Thursday, March 9.

The Devil In Blood tells the story of Haruni, 23 years old whose body is possessed by the devil. He feels like someone is attacking and moving from the inside, besides Haruni's pain, he also tends to hurt himself.

A young eye and religious doctor named Ahmad heard this terrible story from Haruni's parents. Haruni's sister named Hanum is undergoing eye treatment with doctor Ahmad. Ahmad began to treat Haruni, until Ahmad concluded that Haruni's illness was due to demon disturbances and Haruni's incident had something to do with a case of suicide.

Ahmad and a friend of his police helped with the problems faced by Haruni, looked for data on people who committed suicide and expelled the evil spirit from Haruni's body. They both conducted investigations from different perspectives from their respective professions.

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