YOGYAKARTA Blood circulation that smoothly brings nutrients and oxygen to all parts of the body, including from the heart to the brain to muscles and skin. To promote blood circulation, diet plays an important role. But of course it needs to be accompanied by regular exercise, healthy weight, non-smoking, and consuming a number of foods that are useful for blood circulation. What are these lists of foods?

There are various varieties of wine. But purple wine can most effectively help keep arteries healthy and increase blood flow. All varieties on average have a sweet taste.

The benefits of wine, as evidenced in a study conducted by WebMD, Sunday, March 5, found that wines rich in antioxidants are able to encourage blood vessels to relax and work efficiently. Wine also cures inflammation and repels disruptive molecules in the blood that can make blood sticky.

Garlic contains sulfur compounds, called allicins that help your blood vessels relax. Research shows that in people eating garlic-rich foods, blood flows more efficiently. That means the heart doesn't have to work hard to move blood throughout the body, which helps keep blood pressure low.

Nitric-rich foods like spinach can increase your circulation. These compounds help enlarge your blood vessels and create more space for blood to flow. A study found that spinach-rich diet helps keep arteries flexible and helps lower blood pressure.

Berry is rich in antioxidants, including very good for blood vessels, namely anthocyanin. It is a compound that gives red and purple color to produce deep color ronas. Anthocyanin can help protect your arterial walls from damage and keep them from rigid. Plus, anthocyanin spurs the release of nitric oxides, which helps lower your blood pressure.

This root vegetable is rich in nitrate, which can be converted to nitric oxide. Nitric oxide helps relax blood vessels naturally and increase blood flow to tissues and organs of the body. Researchers have found that bit juice can also lower systolic blood pressure.

Little red seeds run watery inipulates rich in antioxidants and nitrates. The content of these nutrients can increase your circulation. It is also beneficial for your blood vessels and lowers blood pressure. That means more oxygen and nutrients are delivered to muscles and other tissues. For people who are active, larger blood flow can also improve performance.

You can add walnuts as healthy foods that help promote blood circulation. This type of wrinkled beans is rich in alpha-linolenic acid, a type of omega-3 fatty acid, which can help smooth blood flow. A study found that eating walnuts regularly for 8 weeks improves the health of blood vessels, helps vessels stay elastic, and lowers blood pressure.

Those are the seven vegetables, fruit, and foods that help promote blood circulation. Are there any of the lists above that you have never included in your daily menu?

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