YOGYAKARTA - The difference between junk food and fast food is that junk food basically refers to eating with a very small vitamin number, on the contrary, fast food refers to easy-to-ceived foods that can be bought with lightning from restaurants.

Wanting junk food or fast food is 2 types of food that we buy from restaurants, it turns out that eating fresh home meals. Consumption of fast food and missing junk food can increase the risk of contracting diseases such as diabetes, cancer, and heart disease.

Junk food is a food category that includes foods that contain very low nutritional value. They are quite high in kilojoule, additional sugar, salt, or saturated fat. Therefore, you should not consume junk food as part of any major diet. Junk food is also called a empty calorie food'.

If you are a person with a healthy BMI value, it doesn't matter if you occasionally consume small amounts of junk food. However, if you are aware that you want to lose weight, you should limit yourself to not consuming junk food every day.

Junk food can increase the chances of you getting fat and obese. Excessive junk food intake can also increase the risk of contracting several chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes, cancer, cardiovascular disease, and non-alcoholic liver perleaction.

Fast food basically includes fast food and processed foods that are easy to prepare and serve in restaurants and snack bars. You can easily identify fast food based on its accessible nature. They are basically a cheaper alternative that we can have than home-based foods. However, just like junk food, fast food is also high in sugar content, salt, calories, and saturated fat.

Fast food culture develops as a result of a busy and dense modern human lifestyle that cannot take the time to prepare healthy home food. However, alternatively, some fast food owners have taken steps to open salad bars, roast chicken, fatless meat, and wheat bread at their fast food restaurants. This helps serve nutritious fast food to consumers who are aware of nutrition.

Although some fast food restaurant owners are worried about offering a healthier menu to customers, the majority are still cooking their food using a lot of butter and cooking oil. Therefore, for people with diseases such as high blood pressure, heart disease, or diabetes should limit the consumption of fast food because most are rich in sugar, salt, and fat.

So after knowing the difference between junk food and fast food, see other interesting news on VOI, it's time to revolutionize news!

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