JAKARTA - Nathalie Holscher and Sule's relationship is getting better. The two of them seem to get closer and even meet often to take care of their child, Adzam.
"A day in my life returns to Tambun," wrote Nathalie Holscher on Thursday, March 2.
The uploaded video shows Adzam swimming at Sule's residence. The father stood by the pool and played in the water with his son.
Putri Delina and Ferdi were also seen playing with Adzam and talking with Nathalie Holscher. Through his latest video, Adzam came with several Nathalie teams and met Sule on the top floor.
"Mother is happy to see it," said Nathalie Holscher.
The post received a positive response from netizens. Not a few were happy because Nathalie Holscher and Sule were in good relations.
"Adem sees it, thank God, even though it's separated, it can maintain good relations," wrote one netizen.
"Well, look at it, it's really sweeping," said another.
"Finally, what I was waiting for was azam to play because his father didn't stay away from his biological father figure... because when I saw him crying when I came to his father's birthday, I was sad to be afraid that he was far from his father's family, e," wrote another.
Nathalie Holscher and Sule got married in November 2020. Then the two divorced on August 10, 2022. Their marriage was blessed with one child named Adzam.
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