YOGYAKARTA Hair loss is one of the causes of lack of nutrients. Especially when the body lacks vitamin D intake. In addition, too tight hair, hair arrangement with excessive heat equipment, environmental factors, and stress can cause hair to fall out.
Vitamin D is an important role in hair health. Apart from being related to the immune system, vitamin D also plays a role in skin metabolism by keratinosit. Keratinocytes are skin cells that produce keratine, namely proteins that are responsible for maintaining skin, hair, and nails. Well, according to Michele Green, MD., a New York City-based dermatologist and cosmetics, when the body does not have enough vitamin D, it is difficult for the hair follicles to facilitate hair growth which results in loss.
Green also said that many people may experience alopecia related to hair loss but are not related to vitamin D. Not infrequently, criticism is also influenced by genetics, hormones, and lifestyle changes. In addition, environmental pollution including polluted air can also interfere with the protein production process in the body so that hair growth stimulation is hampered.
Hair loss due to lack of vitamin D lasted for approximately six to six months from stressful events and caused hair loss. Launching Byrdie, Wednesday, March 1, Green also noted that Tichotillomania also contributed to making hair fall out even though previously hair was fine. This needs to be treated immediately because if left unchecked, the hair loss can be permanent.
Scott Paviol, MD., a dermatologist in North Carolina suggests checking doctors if hair loss is very severe. Before you start treating hair loss suspected of lack of vitamin D, you need to get a proper diagnosis first. This is because hair loss can be very complex.
Well, if the hair loss due to lack of vitamin D, suggested Paviol, it is recommended to get enough daily intake of vitamin D. Or about 1,000 IUs that need to be obtained for 12 weeks. To meet the daily needs of vitamin D, Paviol recommends a balanced diet. Such as consuming foods rich in iron, omega-3 acid, magnesium, selenium, iodine, protein, vitamins, zinc, and biotin.
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