JAKARTA - Flying several times while sleeping at night can make your mood bad in the morning, according to a study in the journal Sleep. Researchers from the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in Baltimore revealed that even less sleep duration is still better than sleeping for a long but often disturbed duration.

"When you sleep at night you are disturbed, you no longer have the opportunity to enter sleep levels in order to get the number of sleep waves needed for recovery," said study chairman Patrick Finan.

To arrive at these findings, the researchers involved 62 healthy people. Every night in three days, some participants get normal sleep with disorders. While others get little sleep but are not disturbed at all.

On the first night of the study, each participant in these two groups tended to have a bad mood and a little positive mood. However, researchers found this condition different on the second night.

Compared to the first night, those who wake up at night, their positive moods decreased by 31 percent. While participants who had less sleep but were not awakened at night, their positive mood was only reduced by 12 percent. Researchers say this shows an inherent sleep can destroy a positive mood. This is as reported by WebMD.

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