YOGYAKARTA - Want to know why you do things you do? When we use self-reflection, we accept a better understanding of ourselves, our spirit, and our behavior. So, let's learn to reflect ourselves. Then, self-reflection is...

So many habits, patterns of behavior, and programming that have been previously established are buried in our conscious nature. They operate in a kind of "control room", directing the way we think, feel, and act, often harming our well-being (follow this well-being quiz to see how you are doing).

If we want to be in control, we need to look beyond the conscious mind, and change some programs that we no longer take advantage of.

One way to access a lack of awareness is through self-reflection, namely, placing a mirror on ourselves and analyzing what we see or feel as objective as possible so that we can better understand ourselves and how to think, feel, and behave. But how do we engage in this kind of deep self-reflection?

Self-reflection is defined as a mental process that you can use to foster your understanding of who you are, what your values are, and why you think, feel, and act as you do.

When you reflect and become more aware of what is driving you, you can make changes that help you develop yourself or improve your life more easily.

That could give you a perspective

Self-reflection allows you to take step back, engage in introspection, and get a perspective on what's really important to you. As a result, you can make better decisions about pursuing goals in your life that suit your needs and interests.

This can help you respond more effectively

When we better understand who we are and why we do the things we do, we can make changes easier that allow us to respond to things in a more effective way. Hopefully, this can prevent us from saying and doing things we regret.

This helps us better understand ourselves and maybe others

Self-reflection can help you get to know who you really are. As a result, you can find yourself, pursue your goals more easily, and become more authentic.

Preparations for Self Reflection

We are very busy, disturbed (and addicted to our phones), and therefore, it seems more difficult with self-reflection. That's because self-reflection requires a fairly calm mind. Some self-reflection starts with short meditation, maybe some deep breaths, or deep breaths to calm their minds. Maybe you'd rather relax your mind with imaginary activity or train a little bit of alertness (including self-reflection before actually diving.

Of course, breaking your awareness can be an illusion. Sometimes self-reflection can be a challenge, so calm yourself down, if it helps, and ask yourself questions to make your mind think about answers. If the answer doesn't come, give time, and come back to any thoughts or questions later when you feel open to learning more about yourself. Let the mind fly and focus on your goal of getting to know yourself better.

Identification of "What" from Self Reflection

Once you feel calm and silent, set your focus inside. Select certain problems that you want to change. Take a memory of important events.

Give yourself a break:

What impressions appear when you focus on this problem?

What makes you feel?

What makes you think?

Identification of "Why" from Self Reflection

With your mind calm, try to take a deeper look. Aims to go to the most important aspects of this problem. What do you feel, think, or do? Now, dig deeper, and ask yourself: Why do you think, feel, or do these things?

This kind of search and inner discovery with self-reflection can reveal some scary things, so do it at your own speed and remember to be kind to yourself as you learn more about what's behind it.

Continuing With Self Reflection

Make sure to be gentle with yourself when you reflect on yourself. The goal is not to assess your past choices, but to reflect on them, learn from them, and make whatever changes you think are appropriate for you here and now. When you build new habits through self-reflection, you can become more balanced, healthy, and happy.

So after knowing self-reflection is another interesting news story at VOI, it's time to revolutionize news!

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