Recognize The Positive And Negative Impacts Of Night Sports
Illustration of night sports photo (Li Sun / Pexels)

JAKARTA - During a pandemic like this, exercise seems to have become a new routine in an effort to keep the body healthy. When activities are almost normal, night sports are often the choice of a few people.

More free time, not in a hurry to be interrupted by work or other activities, so the main reason they prefer night sports. Then, what are the positive and negative effects of night sports?

First, exercise can increase your heart rate and stimulate the nervous system to work better. In other words, your body will be more active after you finish exercising.

If done at night before bed, of course you will experience interrupted sleep or sleep disturbances because the brain sends signals to the body to keep moving.

Therefore, it is highly recommended to exercise 2 hours before bed so that sleep quality is maintained.

Second, do not overexert strenuous sports movements at night. Don't make occasional CrossFit or HIIT workout appointments at 9 p.m. It is better if you do yoga with some light movements so that you have an optimal night's sleep.

Third, exercise done at night is a good channel to relieve stress and fatigue from stressful thoughts or work done during the day.

Exercise makes the mind clearer. In addition, because it is done at night you can be more focused and relaxed while exercising.

Fourth, night sports can reduce the risk of injury because muscles and joints become 20 percent more flexible in the afternoon or evening than in the morning.

Fifth, in addition to the positives and negatives that have been stated in the previous points, it seems that night sports make it more difficult for you to discipline yourself to adhere to a night sports schedule than in the morning.

Feeling tired after activities, sleepy, and tempted to continue watching film series while relaxing are often the main reasons for missing sports at night. Therefore, it takes determination, willingness, and strong goals so that you can remain consistent in doing night sports.

Those are the positive and negative effects of exercising at night. In the end, it can be returned to oneself which is more effective to practice. The important thing, never skip sports if you want your body to stay in shape.

Create and treat an exercise schedule like an important appointment with a client or loved ones. You can also make small punishments between yourself and yourself if you skip one day of exercise, to maintain consistency and practice responsibility.

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