JAKARTA - After five years, Virgo Putra Film has released its latest film entitled Pesugihan: Joining Devil. This horror genre film will enliven other horror films that have been released earlier this year.

Ferry Virgo Putra as the producer said he wanted to present a horror film that could be enjoyed with his family. "We try to give the horror film with one or two interesting things, so it can be a good spectacle for the family," said Ferry Virgo Putra during a visit to the VOI office on Thursday, February 16, 2023.

To realize his wish, Ferry collaborated with director Hanny R Saputra, known for his drama films, such as Heart (2006) and Mili & Nathan (2011).

Hanny said he worked on Pesugihan: Cooperating with the Devil by giving the impression of a drama that is thick in the horror film. Because I'm close to drama, so I make films that smell like drama but horror. I think it's something interesting," he said.

Meanwhile, the cast also revealed the reason why Pesugihan: Putserutu with the Devil as an interesting film to watch.

Gary Iskak said that pesugihan itself is something that is close to many Indonesian people. "There are so many times we have heard in the regions who try (occupiers) to become rich, have more wishes, rulers. (The story) is very close to our lives," he said.

Kiki Narendra also explained how the horror story in Pesugihan: Listening to the Devil actually has a strong drama element. This gift is just an extraordinary package, but the core story in it is a family drama," said Kiki.

How this family has one specific purpose and purpose that makes everything suddenly go wrong, then it becomes biased everywhere because of a wrong step. And this is packaged using a horror story, actually the core is a family drama," he continued.

Young actress Nicole Parham also believes that the two feature films have in-depth messages. "This award is not just a jump score that is just a scare. In this film there is a deep message," concluded Nicole.

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