JAKARTA - The bad influence of others or known as toxic people can affect a person's mental health. This is because they do things that are detrimental without thinking about feelings.

The CEO of Indonesian Stress Management Coach Pris said, avoiding contact with toxic people can start from limiting interactions with them and simplifying your relationship with people.

"In February, which coincides with World cancer day and the month of love, let's together simplify life and leave toxic people so that we avoid stress and be happier," he said, quoting Antara, Saturday, February 4.

Here are four steps that a person can take to avoid toxic people:

1. identify the characteristics and behavior of people who are detrimental

Don't know, so you don't care. One must recognize the bad behavior of people who harm and hurt mentally and physically in the long term. He also needs to recognize if someone harms him more to find out if they are toxic people. Bad behavior can affect mental health if left in the long term.

2. Set boundaries on toxic people

Tidak harus dijauhkan, tetapi seseorang dapat menetapkan batas pada orang-orang toxic supaya mereka mengetahui apa yang seharus tidak lakukan kepada dirinya. Dengan memberikan batas, orang-orang dapat belajar dari kesalahan mereka dan mereflecteksikan diri, sehingga mereka tidak mengulangi kesalahan yang sama berkali-kali. Setankan batasan juga dapat melindungi diri seseorang dari belamat-perlaku yang akan merugikannya.

3. Limit relationships and social interactions with toxic people

After determining the boundaries, a person can start practicing it, there is no need for a lot of pleasantries in dealing with toxic people. Limit and filter relationships with harmful people.

A person can focus on better relationships with other people and accept themselves as they are. Starting from stopping to contact toxic people. By focusing on relationships to stay away from toxic people, one can get through a good relationship with people who are more helpful and have positive vibes.

4. Embed self-love in yourself

Loving yourself is important and the most important. Therefore, one must learn to prioritize your own mental health. One can learn to instill self-love by writing journaling, to look back on achievements so far, self-excession, and what to achieve in the future. This is to learn to love yourself more. Trying the book Self Love Journaling of Indonesian Stress Management to learn how to apply self-love in everyday life and write down emotions, feelings, and developments, can be an option.

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