YOGYAKARTA Hope is a unique positive emotion because it requires difficulty, uncertainty, and negativity to grow. According to author of the book Learned Hopefulness: The Power of Positivity To Overcome Depression, Dan J. Tomasulo, Ph.D., TEP., MFA., MAPP., there is a mindset that can foster hope.

People with high hopes, according to Tomasulo's review reported by Psychology Today, Wednesday, February 1, the mind will focus on what they can control. Well, if you are one of those people with high hopes or want to raise hope as motivation through challenges, here are the signs.

People who have high hopes try to get a positive view. Tomasulo gave a classic analogy to imagine how optimistic people are with high expectations. They view half-filled glasses, not half-empty. That is, they can overcome all difficulties with hard efforts. Efforts are followed by being positive and seeing the wisdom of every difficulty.

More importantly, people with high hopes don't let the situation determine their emotional response. That way, people with high hopes are creative problem solvers.

The level of hope of a person has a big impact on life. So it's important to understand that people who have high hopes will have passion and energy. They are also optimistic about their future and believe in possibility. This means challenges are considered as opportunities for growth and learning.

Spirit and perseverance are the key to why many people have high hopes for success. They not only rise back from setbacks, but seem to bounce forward and keep going despite obstacles and challenges.

Setting goals is as important as the actions to be taken. Whether it's a big or a small goal, people who have high hopes usually have something they're trying to do. What's more, they usually visualize their goals and create conditions where they prepare themselves for success.

By being surrounded by positive people, it tends to make more optimistic and proactive. Although it doesn't stop themselves from people who don't agree or people who have a more pessimistic point of view, people with high hopes maintain balance. They don't let themselves be spanned by negative things from other people because knowing different perspectives will allow them to develop realistic plans going forward.

People with high hopes tend to focus on what lies ahead of them. They don't think about the past or worry about the future. On the other hand, they remain focused on what is happening today. This allows them to stay positive and take action towards their goals. In addition, they are constantly trying to improve themselves and their skills.

While belief in yourself is important, people who really hope to also forgive themselves. Because confidence is important in the process is acceptance to be imperfect, make adjustments, and forgive others. It also means they are willing to take a reasonable risk to support their growth.

Most people who have high hopes, they are grateful and reflect on the good fortune of life. Because gratitude is always for something that has happened, this natural process allows them to see the world through the lens of gratitude. They are also aware of their thoughts and emotions, and believe that most people are kind.

In closing, according to Tomasulo, a hopeful person knows that failure is inevitable and important to learn from the experience and move forward with positive momentum.

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