JAKARTA - The actor in the film Time Maghrib, Andri Mashadi, is very passionate about Karta's role in the film Time Maghrib. Before filming, Andri did research and made an explanation of his character in 30 sheets of writing.

"So before filming I broke down first this Karta character. Every movement of his body contains the experience in his life," said Andri during a visit to the VOI office, Monday, January 30.

Karta, he continued, is someone who has always been bullied since childhood. His life is ostracized because it is considered unlucky for his village.

"So Karta's eyes cannot be upright, because he does not grow confidently but by listening to insults continuously. His right shoulder is higher because he is used to protect his body when he is beaten. He is given a shield," he explained.

In addition, he was also required to lose up to seven kilograms in just one week.

"Because the preparation was very tight when I wanted to fit clothes, I was told to look even thinner, but the time was only one week before filming," said Andri.

Andri, who at that time weighed 75 kilograms, had to lose about 65 kilograms of weight. "I don't eat carbohydrates, for example in the morning just fruit, sugarless juice afternoon, and dinner without rice, for example vegetables or gado-gado," added Andri.

In addition, Karta's character was also afraid when he heard of the Maghrib call to prayer. "So I had a break in filming, I heard the Maghrib call to prayer. I immediately went into the house, looking for a place to hide. That's how Karta's character entered without me knowing it," he recalled.

FLM Time Maghrib "] was written by Agasyah Karim, Khalid Kashogi, Bayu Kurnia, and Sidharta Tata. This film stars a series of other actors, namely Aulia Sarah, Taskya Namya, Ali Fikry, Bima Sena, Nafiza Fatia Rani. Maghrib time will premiere in theaters starting February 9, 2023.

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