JAKARTA - After giving birth to her first son, Qwenzy Kalandra Putra Permana on December 12, 2021, Kesha Ratuliu is now pregnant with her second child.

The 24-year-old soap opera actor has announced that her second child's gender is a woman.

Kesha admitted that in her second pregnancy this time she became more tired. Unlike the conditions when she was pregnant with her first child, Kesha is now also busy taking care of Zizi, the nickname from Qwenzy Kalandra Putra Permana.

"What I feel is almost the same, only the second one is faster and tired, then it's a bit more nauseated. Maybe because I took care of Zizi too," concluded Kesha Ratuliu when met in the Mampang Prapatan area, South Jakarta some time ago.

Taking care of his son who is still a year old, Adhi Permana Putra's wife must be on standby throughout the day. Apart from working, he is also still being advised to take care of and play with Zizi.

However, Kesha still expressed her gratitude because so far she has been helped by many husband and household assistants.

"Repot, but thank God my husband helped, then there was also a household assistant who helped. So I was also helped by the people around me," he said.

"But it's a hassle to enjoy, because many say it's not long. This process didn't take long, it happened quickly. So just try to enjoy it," said Adhi, Kesha Ratuliu's husband.

Adhi then told how his experience was to accompany his two wives' pregnancy.

According to him, in this pregnancy he was more bothered by his wife's request.

"The game is more annoying with the second one. Actually, it's just a big thing, like for example he had a pancong cake at that time, but he wanted it to be in Depok, while his house was in BSD (South Tangerang)," he concluded.

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