YOGYAKARTA - This pale green beige fruit is associated with heart health. But what is the right portion of consuming avocado to reduce the risk of heart disease? Based on research, consuming two servings of avocado a week is quite beneficial in nourishing the heart.

Doctor Frank Hu, professor of nutrition and apidemiology Frederick J. Stare at Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health (HSPH), conducted research that found a list of benefits for avocado. This healthy fat-rich fruit is useful for preventing cardiovascular disease. Alpukat can replace butter, cheese, and processed meat.

Research conducted in this long period of time involved 110,000 participants. Most of them are white with ages between 30-75 years. All are free from heart disease and cancer when research begins. Based on scientific research, it is proven that low-level chronic inflammation is a silent killer that contributes to cardiovascular disease, cancer, type 2 diabetes, and other conditions.

At the beginning of the study, participants were asked to fill in a questionnaire and refill every four years. One of the questions that must be answered is how often participants eat avocado and how much is the portion. One portion in this study was half an avocado or as many as one and a half cups when diced.

Research was conducted for 30 years and documented 9,185 cases of heart attacks and 5,290 cases of stroke in participants. Compared to people who never or rarely eat avocado, those who eat at least two servings each week have a 16 percent lower risk of cardiovascular disease and a 21% lower risk of having a heart attack or problems related to▁menimpautrene arterial disease. Please note,tegership disease refers to narrowing or blockage of blood vessels supplying the heart. This is the most common cardiovascular disease.

Alpukar, which has dark green and speckled skin, is the most popular variety in the United States. Research using the avocado-type reference, found that avocado fruit with this variety is rich in healthy fat, fiber, and contains several micronutrients associated with heart health. Among them, oleic acid which is also contained in olives and helps lower levels of LDL are harmful in the blood. In addition, fiber in one portion of avocado provides 20 percent of the fiber intake that must be eaten every day. Plus, folate, potassium, magnesium, and phytochemicals, which are associated with better heart health.

From the useful ingredients and the results of the above research, you can include 2 servings of avocado in your daily menu during the semingu. It can be processed into fresh drinks with other fruits, or sandwiches with grilled bread for breakfast. Alpukat consumption can be made varied again, but adjust it to a healthy composition and according to your health conditions.

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