JAKARTA - Talking about Indonesian films with the theme of nationalism, various titles will appear such as "Kadet 1947" (2020), "Merah Putih" (2009), or "Guru Bangsa Tjokroaminoto" (2015). If not talking about the struggle for independence, then films with the theme of nationalism raise national figures.

However, this is trying to be renewed in the latest film entitled "Adagium". Produced by Irving Artemas and directed by renowned director, Rizal Mantovani, this film raises something more modern.

Even though there is a military element that is synonymous with nationalism-themed films, Adagium emphasizes the story from the friendship side of three young people with conflicts in the cyber world.

"We want to bring up issues that are relevant today, but also patriotic. But the challenge is that love for the country cannot be prepared, cannot be planted, it must grow on its own. Based on that, we make a story starting from what is being faced now and a cyber theme emerges," said Rizal Mantovani during a press conference in the Epicentrum area, South Jakarta on Thursday, January 19.

“The development of story is developed from the friendship of three young people which is the foundation of this film. We want to make something different from the others, where the story has its own terms," ​​he continued.

In line with the director, Jihane Almira, who was lined up as the main character, stated that this film has a strong message of nationalism. "We have a moral message to convey, I hope the audience can get good things from this. Hopefully, we can love our country more," she said.

Hans de Kraker, a Dutch actor who is involved in this film project, expressed his satisfaction at being able to take part. During this time, Hans often played the role of the Dutch colonizer when playing in films with the theme of Indonesian nationalism. He admitted that he was satisfied with the renewal presented in the film Adagium.

“I am very happy to be chosen to play in this production. I'm usually involved in historical films, in the 1700s, VOC. We see Hollywood has many films with the theme of hacking, more modern. I like to be involved here, especially since the theme is spy, espionage," said Hans.

Apart from Jihane Almira and Hans de Kraker, Adagium also stars many other actors, including Pangeran Lantang, Angga Asyafriena, Rizky Hanggono, Dennis Adhiswara, Teuku Rifnu Wikana, Mike Lucock, Max Matino, Dinda Ghania, Ricky Saldan, Gilbert Pattiruhu, and Frans Mohede.

Adagium tells about the friendship of three childhood friends between Arga (Angga Asyafriena), Bian (Pangeran Lantang), and Alenda (Jihane Almira). After graduating from high school, Alenda decided to major in programming. Meanwhile, Arga majored in law at the same university as Alenda.

Bian, who dreams of becoming a painter, decides not to go to college and instead works as an online motorcycle taxi driver. Once a week these three friends meet in the midst of their respective activities. Without Alenda knowing it, Arga and Bian secretly like her. A misunderstanding causes Alenda and Bian's relationship to crack and distances them from each other.

Alenda, Arga, and Bian's friendship faltered. The pent-up feelings between them become a ticking time bomb. Unknowingly, Alenda's sharp ability to manipulate computer data also brings great disaster. Not only a threat to Alenda herself, but also to the whole country. The fracture of their friendship is also at stake. Can the three of them face a dangerous situation to save the nation?

The Adagium film will be shown simultaneously in cinemas throughout Indonesia on January 26, 2023.

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