YOGYAKARTA Angpao is a gift in the form of an envelope containing money that will be handed over during Chinese New Year. This tradition is mostly carried out by the Chinese people as a form of Chinese New Year celebration. Giving angpao is not done carelessly. There are rules for giving angpao that must be considered.

Chinese people have rules that are applied when making and handing over angpao. This rule indirectly answers public confusion about the nominal amount of money that must be filled in the envelope before being submitted. For more details, see the following explanation.

The envelope used for angpao cannot be arbitrary. In Chinese tradition, the angpao envelope is red. This color symbolizes blessings and luck. This symbol is also a prayer and hope that the giver and recipient are always covered by blessings and luck.

The money put in the angpau envelope always avoids the nominal number 4 (four). This is because the number 4 has negative connotations because it is interpreted as mati in Mandarin. Examples are the rules for the money figure to avoid filling in Rp4000, Rp40,000, Rp400,000., Rp140,000, and so on.

The nominal amount of money in angpao also avoids oddities. Angpau money is more recommended in even nominal terms such as 2, 8, 6, and so on. For example, you can fill in Rp200 thousand, Rp10,000, and so on.

Although it is not written, the money used as angpao is recommended for new money or clean money in the sense of not being cumal.

Angpao must also be handed over directly or cannot be entrusted. This direct submission has various meanings ranging from closeness, trust, good hope, and so on. Submission must be done directly even if the intended person is a relative or close friend.

Not everyone gives angpao. This is natural because angpao is prioritized by married people. Some traditions even limit people who have difficult economic conditions from giving angpao. Thus, angpao providers do not need to force themselves. You can follow tips on preparing Chinese New Year angpau so as not to interfere with finances.

Angpao recipients are usually children, parents, or unmarried people. There are also those who provide angpao to groups with economic difficulties. This is done as a means of sharing by the Chinese community.

When handing over angpao, it is recommended to hand it over with two hands. This is done as a form of respect for the recipient. In addition, giving angpao with two hands fulfills the element of decency.

As a recipient, you are not advised to open angpao in front of the giver. You are also not advised to comment on the amount of money in the angpao. This was done to maintain the honor of the angpao giver while at the same time fulfilling the element of decency.

When submitting angpao, the giver is recommended to say simple words such as Xin Nian Kuai Le (Happy New Year) or Gong Xi Fa Cai (hopefully you get a lot of luck). The giver can also add other positive words when giving angpao. This also applies to the recipient of angpao.

That's information regarding the rules for giving angpao. To get other interesting information, visit VOI.ID.

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