YOGYAKARTA Distance and intimacy can be seen from the gesture of the body. Including when two people in pairs hug. But not all positions of hugs are comfortable, describing a harmonious relationship. Here are the types of hugs and meanings.

When relaxing on the sofa, two people in pairs can form a comfortable gesture with your body attached. If your partner leans your head on your chest, this means he tries to nurture and make you feel comfortable. You should know, the position of this comfortable hug is the most romantic.

When two people hug each other while sleeping, the couple come into contact with all their limbs. This is the most intense cuddling position. At first glance, it may not feel comfortable doing it for a long time. But the position of this hug is comfortable to do at the beginning before going to sleep.

If you always hold hands when hugging, or cupping your girlfriend's feet, it means you are in a balanced relationship. This shows that you are fine with having space in the relationship, but still want to feel your partner beside you to know that they are there.

Talk about being a relationship or maybe marking the existence of a relationship problem. Some couples don't really touch when they're resting in bed together. This could mean two very different things. Either their relationship is so stable that they don't feel the need to hug each other. Or they are not feeling the desire to touch each other.

A comfortable hug position, is also a way for couples to communicate with each other. Couples who sleep face-to-face and wrap their hands around their waist, think that communication is an important part of a healthy relationship. That's why they like to see each other firsthand when they even sleep.

A comfortable hug position while lying down, one of the types is spooning. There are two motional gestures, first when your partner hugs you in a little spooning position that marks attention and spoiled. Second, do a big spraying position that marks as a protector and wants to keep others from danger.

In addition to the six types of comfortable hug positions above, you may have your own style in hugging with your partner.

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