JAKARTA - Actor Johnny Depp uploaded a short article for fans on Sunday, December 27.

“This year has been a tough year for many people. For better years. Happy holidays, everyone, "said the Pirates of the Caribbean actor via his Instagram.

A photo shows Depp with Pogues frontman Shane MacGowan on the set of the documentary Crock of Gold.

Last month, Johnny Depp lost his trial against British newspaper The Sun because of an article that identified the actor as a wife beater.

After suffering that defeat, Warner Bros. asked Johnny Depp to resign from his role as Grindelwald in the film Fantastic Beasts 3. Recently, Depp returned to the British Court of Appeal trying to overturn the ruling.

On the other hand, the character Grindelwald has been replaced by Mads Mikkelsen. Through his latest interview, Mikkelsen admitted that it was difficult to replace Johnny Depp.

He also said he had never communicated with Depp and hoped they could meet at least to build a good relationship.

Support from fans and entertainment partners also graced Depp's uploaded comments column. Slim drummer Jim Phantom wrote, "Love you, friend. Every year, every moment."

"Happy holidays. We always wish you the best, Johnny!" wrote a fan.

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