JAKARTA - Producer of Netflix's latest series, Three-Body Problem, Lin Qi died on December 25 of being poisoned by his colleague at Yoozoo Games.

Lin's departure certainly shocked the public considering that his name is known in the world of games and television production in China.

Lin Qi - also known as Titan Lin - is a Chinese businessman who founded Youzu Interactive, another name for Yoozoo Games. He was born in November 1981.

Lin founded Yoozoo in 2009 and acquired the film adaptation of Liu Xicin's book Three-Body Problem. His book has been successfully translated into various foreign languages and the adaptation process has been carried out since several years ago but has continued to be postponed.

During the book adaptation process, Lin Qi created the game Game of Thrones: Winter is Coming with the series creators, David Benioff and DB Weiss. Their cooperation will be continued through the Three-Body Problem series.

In addition, Lin Qi is also known as a producer for the film Jackie, High School Musical: China, and The Crossing. Lin is better known to the public for his projects in the world of games and movies than his personal life.

Due to news of his death, the adaptation process for the Three-Body Problem had to be postponed until the Shanghai Police found the culprit.

Allegedly, a co-worker with the surname Xu was the mastermind behind Lin's death. He gave pu-erh tea laced with poison. Allegedly, conflicts regarding work were the reason he killed Lin.

On December 16th, Lin went to the hospital with symptoms of an acute illness but his condition began to get worse and Lin was admitted to the ICU. Then the next day his body showed the signal of brain death.

Lin Qi died on December 25 in Shanghai at the age of 39. Currently, Yoozoo Games is considering a replacement for Lin.

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