YOGYAKARTA - In a number of events on the red carpet, Dakota Johnson wears Gucci clothes and accessories. Hollywood actress Inu admits that she is always fascinated by the 70s-era mode, which is known to be retro.

Dakota said as reported by British Vogue, he said "I've always romanticized the 70s mode. The shapes, lines, colors and patterns. But also the vibrations of the people wearing the clothes."

Kali ini, Dakota membintangi kampanye handbag Jackie 1961 seri terbaru dari Gucci dan di Foto oleh Glen Luchford. Meskipun banyak koleksi bag Gucci milik Dakota, serial Jackie dengan gay retro ini jadi favoritnya.

The bag, which is carried with hands, has been in the history of more than 60 years from bags and is of course loved by great fans oftureline Kennedy. Jackie Kennedy with her bag in 1961 in the style of the 70s, was Dakota Johnson's favorite fashion era.

In various activities, Dakota carried a bag in his hand. Starting from going to the gym with a mattress, to combining his favorite bag with aleeveless blouse or canal.

One of Gucci's bag collections besides the series he likes, Dakota Johnson also collects Dionysius series. His performances are not adventurous. Only combining it with contrasting colored tops and subordinates.

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