JAKARTA - Amanda Rawles starred in the film The Day Before The Wedding produced by Falcon Pictures. The 22-year-old actress will compete acting with two other main characters, Della Dartyan and Keanu Campora.

Playing Clara, Amanda expressed her enthusiasm for the characters she played. Usually playing teenagers in romantic drama films, the characters Amanda played this time are more mature and wrapped in bolder stories.

"If you watch the film, maybe you will be quite shocked. Because this is the first time I've got a character that is quite realistic and more courageous," said Amanda Rawles during a conversation with the VOI team on Monday, January 9.

Clara in The Day Before The Wedding is a girl who migrated to Jakarta to achieve her dream of becoming a flight attendant. To sustain her life after failed tests as a flight attendant many times, Clara and her best friend, Kinan (Della Dartyan) worked as a cosplayer.

To be able to maximize her acting while playing Clara's character who works as a cosplayer, Amanda and other actors had time to make observations. We had time to go to the old city to pay attention to cosplayer there, for an interview too and chat about their life and routine as a cosplayer. We also took care of their movements while working," said Amanda.

Amanda also revealed an interesting experience while filming, which she had never experienced before. In most of the shooting process, Amanda is required to appear naturally possible without wearing makeup. This experience is very different from the shooting process she has gone through so far.

Amanda also admitted that she learned a lot from Clara's character. Living a much different life, the actress can be more grateful for her life after reflecting on the characters she played.

I feel closer to the frogter that I play. I can feel the pain that I have through when I work as a cosplayer, there are so many challenges. And apparently, living in Jakarta is not that easy. I feel very lucky (with my life), I feel much more grateful to see Clara's life, "he said.

"But at the same time, I can take a lot from his character (Clara), it turns out that we both want to fight for our dreams," he continued.

A little leaked film, Amanda also revealed other things that she learned from Clara's character. "I so know that we all have a choice. In the ending, Clara can't get what she wants and she has to take other choices. I feel we always have a choice, maybe the election is not the best, but there must always be a way. From Clara I learned that everything has a way out, especially if we have friends, "he said.

The Day Before The Wedding can be watched via KlikFilm on January 13.

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