TANGERANG - Head of the Tangerang City Health Office, Dini Anggraeni, said the impact of consuming liquid nitrogen through turquoise or prolonged ice smoke could cause internal damage to the organs.

He said Cold burn or cold burns were local damage to the skin and other tissues due to freezing. This is due to prolonged cold exposure.

"The risk of liquid nitrogen if in contact with the body can cause severe thermal damage to the skin, eyes, and organs. However, the severity of the injury depends on the duration and area of the contact," said Dr. Dini in his statement, in Tangerang, Banten, Sunday.

Of a number of cases, injuries occur when naked skin and other open tissues come into contact with liquid nitrogen for more than a few seconds.

For example, this can happen if someone holds liquid nitrogen-coated foods in their mouths for too long, or if a snack sticks to their gums. With that, it's better to be more alert to the choice of snacks that the child wants to consume," he said.

Then the Health Office (Dinkes) also increased vigilance by tightening supervision and socialization to the public.

Parents need to increase their concern for what their child consumes outside the home. educating children for healthy snacks, properly processed and hygienic.

Even better, parents should be more diligent in processing their own food or drinks at home for their children. So, what the child consumes is more certain in a clean and content manner. Basically, chiki ngbul or any food, the people of Tangerang City must increase their vigilance with all snacks outside. Don't be tempted by color or appearance alone," he said.

He also stated that the Health Office had coordinated with all health facilities, be it the Tangerang City Hospital, private Hospital (RS) and all puskesmas in Tangerang City, to increase supervision. Immediately respond quickly, if you encounter a similar case.

"It has been widely socialized, if a case of food poisoning is found due to consumption of fried chiki snacks, to report to the contacts provided by the Ministry of Health to the contact of the Referral Health Service Working Team at health services. Other recommendations @gmail.com or number 0882-1599-2763," explained Dr. Dini.

Previously, the Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) had issued a Circular (SE) that the reporting of medical emergencies containing liquid nitrogen or called ngbul chiki, where several elementary school children in Tasikmalaya who were poisoned after consuming the chiki, was not an Extraordinary Incident (KLB).

In the SE, it is stated that there is only an increase in cases in the use of locally liquid nitrogen. However, if a similar incident occurs elsewhere, it is still necessary to report and monitor and coordinate handling in the field.

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