JAKARTA - Nikita Mirzani and her foreign boyfriend, Antonio Dedola, are planning to have a wedding seriously. If so far the seriousness has only been conveyed by Nikita, now it is Antonio's turn to agree with his girlfriend's confession.

Antonio ensured that the special relationship he had with Nikita was in a serious stage to continue to the level of marriage. Currently, the man from Germany is familiar with Nikita's three children. On the other hand, Nikita also knows her boyfriend's parents.

To show his seriousness, Antonio decided to convert in the near future.

This year (will become a convert). I don't know the exact date, but I'm sure this year," said Antonio Dedola when met at Premier Bintaro Hospital, South Tangerang on Friday, January 6.

Antonio said that he first studied Islam through Indonesians. "Because now I'm studying Islam, I'm reading the Koran. I have good friends who tell me about Islam. He was the first person to tell me about Islam," he said.

In his home country, Antonio has several friends who embrace Islam. However, from his Muslim friends, no one ever gave him a reason why he should embrace Islam

Unlike Germany, in Indonesia Antonio finds a friend who tells him about Islam, even teaches him.

"Now I have a good friend, before he was Christian, he told me the way Islam and I believed it, I started reading the Koran and believed that I would embrace Islam," he said.

Until now, Antonio's parents in Germany do not know his intention to convert to Islam. But he believes that his choice will be supported by his parents.

"(So convert) It's my choice because it's my life. I'm mature enough to decide who I have to pray to, and I decided to embrace Islam. That's my choice," he concluded.

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