JAKARTA - Actress and model Karenina Maria Anderson returns to acting in the big screen film Alena Anak Ratu Devil. This film is Karenina's comeback after 5 years. The last time she appeared in the film Ten: The Secret Mission was 2017.

The actress who was born on February 28, 1983, was happy to get the role of the queen of the devil. She also tried to describe a little about the character she played. "A demon queen but she is as beautiful as me. So basically I don't want too many spoilers. Because, so that my friends watch in theaters, see firsthand the role of the queen of the devil in Alene Anak Ratu Devil," Karenina said during a press conference in the Setiabudi area, South Jakarta on Monday, January 2.

Being a elegant and scary person, Karenina has her own way of being able to act optimally. I'm in various roles, I always escape myself from myself who actually became the role. So I need 2 days to be alone before getting into the set and manipulating myself that I am the queen of the devil," he said.

Regarding her own comeback, Karenina, who has been in the Indonesian entertainment industry since she was 13 years old, admitted that she needed time for her to rest from the world of entertainment and return to her personal life. This is what gives the impression that Karennina often appears.

Karenina as a horror lover doesn't take much time when she is offered the role of the queen of the devil. She felt challenged to play it. "Incidentally, when I was offered to be the queen of the devil, when I read the script, I really felt the same way as me, because the queen of this demon is a evil and cruel person, but on the other hand she is an elegant figure. It is a very challenge, how to present the crime in a beautiful and elegant style," he said.

In the film Alena Anak Ratu Devil, Karenina will compete acting with Ririn Ekawati, Ciara Brosnan, Wulan Guritno, Temmy Rahadi, Ali Zainal, and Jerico Gowantama.

The film tells the story of a married couple named Hendra (Temy Rahadi) and Maya (Ririn Ekawati) who find a child on their way home. The couple, who have not been blessed with the baby, then adopted the child and gave him the name Alena (Ciara Brosnan).

Since being adopted, Alena has had several positive impacts on the family. Hendra, who had previously not been so successful in his business career, began to feel a drastic change towards success.

Success in business, Hendra and Maya's happiness became complete when they were blessed with a child they had been waiting for. However, since then irregularities began to be felt by Hendra's family.

Produced by hotspot T and directed by Sonu Samtani, Alena Anak Ratu Devil will hit theaters on January 5, 2023.

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