YOGYAKARTA When entering the holiday season, there are lots of crowds in tourist attractions. You also take public transportation, such as ships, trains, or airplanes. Therefore, maintaining health during holidays is the main goal besides enjoying your fun moments. What can you do? Follow the following ways.

If you are suffering from diabetes, it is very important to eat near the routine schedule of taking medication. According to Inanga Mack, MD., assistant professor of family medicine and communications at the Temple University School of Medicine, Philadelphia. This means you have to bring supplies according to your routine need for taking medication. In addition, Mack's advice was reported by WebMD, Friday, December 30, keep your list of drugs and doses so that they are more easily remembered and accessed on the way. In addition, don't pack drugs in baggage but carry them in bags.

All recipes must have a professionally printed pharmaceutical label or label that identifies the drug. If you are not allowed to board the plane with drugs and supplies, ask to talk to airport representatives or security directors. You may even have to call beforehand to make sure you can find out what you need.

A lot of rest, said Ronald Krone, MD, professor of medicine and cardiology at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Washington in St. Louis. If you're tired, look for someone to carry your bag. Don't be in a hurry. Traveling at a long airport can be tiring. Bring as few items on the plane as possible, so you have no trouble lifting something over your head.

If you travel abroad, give yourself a day's break to recover. Also give yourself time to rest a lot. Important again, make sure you drink enough mineral water.

"It's a game plan because while waiting you need to keep the kids calm," said Andrea target MD, director of primary care at Temple University Children's Medical Center in Philadelphia.

"Initially it was difficult to travel with children, and delays and changes in time zones made it even more difficult," mires said. Let the children run when they have the opportunity. Bring as well as snacks, drinks, and activities. Books to read, puzzle books, game boys, and portable chess keep children excited

tesuatu seperti pihaknya, yang bertetung dan tidak perlu diriginkan, untuk membalukan rasa lapangan dan kenal udara.berita untuk memasukkan obat ke dalam kantong ice jika perlu. Ditambah lagi, memberi tahu dokter Anda sebelumnya bahwa Anda akan bepergian, jika obat pilihan kedua lebih nyaman untuk dibawa. Bawa acetaminaphen - sesuatu yang bisa dicauk atau dikeluh anak-anak. Ini untuk sakit dan sakit normal, ditambah sakit an ear, kata mengorus. Tindakan menyuap atau menggolong akan membantu meluhkan telingan anak jika Anda sedang terbang.

That's what you need to prepare before your vacation trip. Stay healthy and wear a mask or wash your hands regularly with a hand sanitizer.

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