Jakarta - It will soon be felt that we will all welcome the new year 2023, a moment that many people have been waiting for to start a new page.

Positive changes occurred this year is also an encouragement for many to start the new year with a more positive spirit, view, and hope.

What steps can you apply to welcome the new year better? Check out three simple mindsets that you can apply in welcoming 2023, quoted from ANTARA.

Learning from experience is one of the best steps for self-development. However, many of us do not realize the various achievements achieved in 2022 because they are too focused on the failures experienced.

Instead of regretting the many pending plans this year due to the pandemic, you can actually learn from this experience to make more careful planning for 2023.

"New Year, New Me", a sentence identical to the list of plans and expectations as a resolution that must be achieved in the new year. However, did you know that writing many resolutions not only makes you lose focus, but also feels overwhelmed to fulfill the 'list'.

To make sure you meet the new year's plan more efficiently, you can start by determining what to achieve over the next month. Simple plans such as getting up early before seven in the morning, cooking your own breakfast, exercising regularly three times a week, and other useful activities can be a resolution that can help life get better.

Always remember that all your achievements can be realized thanks to the support of those closest to you. Even though this year feels challenging, the presence of those closest to us can make us more enthusiastic in living the day.

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