YOGYAKARTA - Rhinitis allergistasi adalah salah satu masalah penah breathing yang cukup serius. Rhinitis alergi terjadi di ruang nasal disebabkan oleh reaksi alergi. Masalah kesehatan ini bisa diacu oleh berbagai jenis alergen, misalnya sebu, serbuk serin, hingga bulu awan.

Rhinitisleris sangat mengganggu condition penderitannya. Symptoms yang muncul akibat penyakit ini bisa dikatakan sangat banyak, mulai dari rash kulit, mata ali water dan merah, hingga sakit cerita. Oleh karena itu, orang yang menderita Rhinitis alergi harus segera menjalani pengobatan atau mendatangi dokter.

Rhinitis alergist muncul akibat reaksi berlebihan dari imun tubuh terhadap penggererjeleren (alergen), hingga menyebabkan peradaan membrane nasal. Alergen dari Rhinitis bisa berupa mungau, debu, moss, hingga sel kulit mati awan.

Alergens that can cause rhinitis allergies include:

Rhinitis allergistr health problems are symptoms that are widely found in various parts of the world. This disease can affect anyone, but is found in the age group of 20-40 years.

Rhinitis allergisler yang tidak segera ditangani hingga parah dapat memicu komplikasi di antaranya:

These health problems are generally treated with drugs. If the case gets worse and prolonged, surgery is needed.

Rhinitisleris bisa muncul tiba-tiba atau dalam hitingan menit setelah mengenah alergen. Sementara resanya bisa berlangsung selama beberapa hari. Berikut gejata yang muncul akibat penyakit ii:

In addition, people with Rhinitis allergist usually experience other symptoms that appear some time after being exposed to allergens, such as:

Rhinitis allergistasi dapat dirawat dari rumah dengan mengonsumsi obat-obatan yang dijual di pharmacy. Pengobatan pada penderita orang dewasa memiliki perlakuan yang berbeda dengan anak-anak.

Here are some treatments that can be done to treat allergic Rhinitis:

The health step you must take is to clean your respiratory tract regularly. The way that you can do is to breathe salt water solutions that can be made yourself at home or buy them at a pharmacy.

How to make the salt solution at home is quite easy. You only need to mix one tablespoon of sodium bicarbonate and one tablespoon of salt into a 500 ml of warm water. After that, wait until the water temperature is deemed ideal. Next, dig the liquid to clean the respiratory tract.

You can take drugs to relieve symptoms that arise due to allergies. However, if there are no positive developments after two weeks, you need to consult a doctor.

Medicines that can relieve symptoms of allergic Rhinitis, among others:

- Antihistamine

- Korticosteroid

- Additional treatments: increasing the dose of corticosteroid spray drugs, dekongestan spray drugs, a combination of antihistamine tablets with corticosteroid and dekongestan nasal spray drugs, allergic injections, and others.

That's an explanation of the disease of Rhinitis allergist, symptoms, and how to treat it. Rhinitis allergies can cause serious problems if they are not treated immediately and hospitalized for a long time. Therefore, if you feel symptoms, immediately seek treatment and consult a doctor.

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